Grounding Cable Specifications
CABLE BC Is a copper cable which is generally used as a grounding cable, lightning rod and electrical installation cable. BC CABLE has a number of sizes from 4mm to 240mm (sizes are available on the market).
Grounding cable is really needed both at home, at the office and at the factory though. especially in the installation of high voltage electricity PLN, MUST have a grounding installation.
PT. Mido Jaya Bersama prepares all needs covering all road poles, both street lighting poles (PJU Poles), Electric Poles / PLN installations, CCTV Poles, Signposts, Road Direction Poles, Traffic Light Poles, Spotlight Poles and Lightning Protection.
In collaboration with property developers, contractors, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia both cities and regions that need public street lighting, PT Mido Jaya Bersama is ready to produce street lighting poles both large and small.
Grounding Cable Prices