Lightning rod or lightning rod is a series of paths that function as a path for lightning to reach the earth's surface, without damaging the objects in its path. The dangers and threats of lightning strikes continue to lurk for us, homes, offices and other buildings that are our assets, especially with the arrival of the rainy season accompanied by storms. Of course you need a professional lightning expert. Have your assets been protected from danger or the threat of lightning strikes? As mentioned earlier, lightning rods are used to prevent the dangerous risks generated by lightning. Therefore, the installation of this object is highly recommended. This object is able to protect buildings and other things around them from lightning so they don't explode or catch fire. Usually, lightning rods are installed on top of buildings, such as houses, buildings, and skyscrapers. This object is divided into three parts, namely lightning rods, conductor cables, and grounding rods. Lightning rods made of metal or copper taper are mounted upright on the top of the building. The rod is coated with anti-corrosion material. The tip is made sharp because of the electric charge that is easy to gather and release at the sharp end.